What is Indoor air pollution

I am pretty much sure that you have clear concept on pollution, especially on air pollution.

You know what is air pollution and for what reason it happens. We all know what air pollution is but many of us didn’t know that we can categorize air pollution into two parts.

1. Indoor air pollution

2. Outdoor air pollution.

To common people air pollution only happens in the open road/area. They have no idea about indoor air pollution. They cannot even imagine indoor air pollution as pollution. In this topic we will try  to discuss about:

  • What is indoor air pollution?
  • Why it causes?
  • Who/what is responsible for it?


Now come to the first point, what is indoor air pollution?

The answer is very simple. When air polluted by those destructive and harmful elements/pollutants that comes from those equipment which we generally use in home for our daily comfort.

I am not telling that all the home equipment’s are bad. But there is some high configured machine that is causing air pollution. We are using those for our personal benefits. It is also true that indoor air pollution doesn’t cause for only the equipment, other things are responsible too.

The causes of air pollution

It’s time to talk about second topic, why it causes?

If I want to answer this in simple the answer would be easy. It’s our ignorance which is mainly responsible for it. Besides that the other elements are also responsible. We have to remember that those elements are used by us. So directly or indirectly the responsibility comes to us.

Another reason may be culture and trends of society. The culture of any developed country or mega city. The people in Australia, Canada or New York get used to with this kind of pollution because of their social trends.
The last topic of this article is who/what is responsible for it? I kind of answered this question before but now I would like to focus more detail. Let us think it like a story.

Mr. jone lives in New York. He come back from work & starts the air conditioner to heat up the room. Then he fires the stove and makes a nice cup of coffee. Than he sit in front of the TV set & enjoys his coffee with a cigarette. No traffic noise can disturb him because the window was closed.

This is a common matter in those cities. What we can get from this? There are some regular activities of jone which is quite normal but if we can look deeply there are some problems. Some activities of jone is causing indoor air pollution. Now you will ask me which one is causing pollution.
Let’s take a close look.

Air conditioner of jone is creating CFC gas.When he was making coffee then the stove was burning oxygen and producing other harmful gas.Smoking of jone is producing lots of harmful chemical gas.By closing window jone stops all kind of flow of air.

We have an analysis on the topic and tried to understand about air pollution (indoor). Air pollution is a great problem. Indoor air pollution is only a part of it. Indoor air pollution can easily be stopped or reduced. How we can solve the indoor air pollution will be discussed in next post.
If you are a smoker than this article might hurt your fillings because I will try to discuss about the bad effect of smoking. Let me tell you that my approach will be different than your thought. Many of you will think that I will tell you “smoking is bad”  “don’t smoke”  “it’s bad for your health”.

I won’t tell you that because I know that you already know that. Infect all the smoker do. Today my point will be “smoking is harmful for health, but it is also harmful for environment”. Yes smoking does create harmful effect on environment.

It’s a common thought of almost every smoker that “I know that by smoking I am doing harm to my health. So what? It’s my choice”. If you really think like this than please let me say that you are not right at all. Doing like this also affect others heath also.

What do you think; environment means only air, water, land and sky? No, human are also important part of environment. By affecting them you are also affecting the environment. It is just one side of a coin.

The story of other part of the coin is that by smoking a smoker is contributing harm directly to the environment.  There are some points that the smoker should know before they smoke. I will discuss those points in other article but a smoker should remind himself one thing very clearly that they are not only causing harm to their self but also they are contributing harm to the environment.

Water pollution

Raindrops are falling on my headand just like the guy who’s feet are too big for his bed,nothing seems to fit those, raindrops are falling on my head, they keep falling…

Many of us have heard of this song. This song is so classical that whenever I listen to this song, my mind fills up with joy. It’s obvious that Rain plays an important role in environment. It’s an important part of environmental cycle. Rain also tunes our emotion. It’s a symbol of romanticism. When it starts raining we feel great pleasure like a cord of piano. Rain has helped human to create great literature.

But what will happen if the Rain turns in to horror. What if the symbol of romanticism threats you of your life? Can you imagine that rain drops could be a cause of death?

If the dangerous situation described above are true then what will happen? Unfortunately rain can cause dangerous damage when the rain drops turn into acid instead of water. Acid rain was first discovered in 1852 by an English chemist & the name of the chemist is Robert Angus.

What is acid rain?

Now i will define acid rain. Acid rain means the precipitation of rain drops that is toxic by harmful elements such as hydrogen ions (which contain low level of pH), harmful gas carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxides & nitrogen oxides.

These elements pollutes total atmosphere. Particularly this cause water pollution.  Mainly these occur from nitrogen & sulfur dioxide released from cars or other types of vehicle. Industrial chemical waste that is dumped into water is also an cause of acid rain.

Point to be noted that acid rain could be precipitated anything such as water, snow, hail, fog & pieces of ice. Among these entire elements one thing will be common – they all will be acidic.

We can learn from this acid rain essay is that there are two way of acid rain:

  • Dry or non-wet deposition

  • Wet or liquid deposition

Now these term refers should be explained. These are also the causes of acid rain.

Dry or non-wet deposition

There are many area where the climate is dry in nature & here the dry deposition occurs. Chemicals from industrial factories transferred into dry dust or may be smoke & than it mixed up into ground through non-wet deposition. This dry deposition is polluting not only ground but also other materials.

These dry deposited gases and particles can be washed from these surfaces by rainstorms, leading to increased runoff. This runoff water makes the resulting mixture more acidic. About half of the acidity in the atmosphere falls back to earth through dry deposition.

Wet or liquid deposition

It is easily understandable that these kinds of depositions are not solid. Some example of Wet or liquid deposition are snow fall, heavy fog & rain.

There is no doubt that all the elements will be harmful. When local area is polluted by acidic chemical then it’s quite possible that the acid rain will fall in the form of those elements (acidic rain fall, heavy fog & snow).  

In wet deposition mainly the weather is wet in nature. Let us think deeply about this matter, acid rain or acid pollution is creating from the very land that we are living on and after traveling atmosphere it is returning back to our ground.

These polluted elements are being mixed into the soil. It is not only polluting the structure of soil but also the plants & animals are being harmed by it. Of course the effect is different from land to land. The measurement of pollution to fish in the water, animal on the forest would also be different.