Does smoking pollute the air

It is easily understood how smoke pollution effect the air.

Yes you guessed it right; when a smoker smokes he is inhaling the smoke in & out. The chemical smock that has been created by burning of tobacco is causing the air pollution. You already know that cigarette contains more than 4000 harmful chemical elements which easily cause smoke pollution.

Some harmful elements that pollutes air, carbon monoxide, DDT, maltitor, formaldehyde,tar, methoprene, sulfuric acid, geranic acid, cyanide, freon, nicotine, hydrogen cyanide  and many more.

These all are dangerous for our health as well as our environment. Danger of smoking is wider than we thought. These elements burns and create smoking air pollution which will directly affect the atmosphere.  Our climate is changing rapidly so we have to be more conscious.

Smoke pollution

The answer of the question “does smoking pollute the air” is easy. Yes, it does. But the problem is we don’t know how much it pollutes.

It is generally thought that cars can do great harm to air pollution. No one would think that a small cigarette can do harm to environment then a car. I mean, think normally that a small cigarette vs a huge car. No match, isn’t it? But guess what: smoke affect the environment ten times higher than the car smoke which runs by diesel.

In a recent survey, scientists has found that smoking is one of the causes for destroying ozone layer on our atmosphere. By now you obviously know that how important ozone layer is for our environment. The layer of ozone is protecting us from harmful sunbeams and some of us is destroying this layer of protection very slowly. There are some chemicals on cigarette which destroy the ground level ozone layer.

I think I can make you understand that ozone layer is good for us and smoking is destroying that. Now matter of fact that ozone layer is destroying for some other reasons also, so why smoking is so special? Ok, think about that the ozone layer is protecting us from many defective cosmic rays which usually filtered by ozone layer.

The dangers of smoking

Because of the position of ozone layer is not near of us and the bad effect of cosmic rays is not rapid, we cannot feel the problem all the time. Here is the dangerous part of cigarette smock comes near. By smoking people are destroying the Ground-level ozone layer.

The effect of this is so far reaching & effective that we could easily understand the consequence of this bad habit.
Now let’s discuss about another reason of smoking bad effect. When a smoker inhales a cigarette, he does several tasks. He create pollutant call smoke, burns tobacco, it also burns oxygen.

Smoke creates 7-24 milligrams of pollutants all over the world round the year. While inhaling a cigarette a smoker also burns oxygen with every breath the take. It seems simple to hear but what would be your thought if I would tell you that 1.1 billion smoker burns oxygen while smoking only in United States?

Are you serious now?

Then please be informed that the statistics that I gave before was for the year of 1998 in this air pollution essay. At present what would be the number have you ever imagined?  Whatever the number is but the matter of fact that smoking is causing serious air pollution for sure.