The main objectives in reducing the production of waste

This includes household waste collective containers at recycling centers, less distance from home, selective multi-material collection by voluntary contribution, selective single-material collection in voluntary contribution (glass), selective multi-material collection in door to door operations, iIndividual bins (one or several bins) to proximity to home, and selective single-material collection in door to door planning.

Implemented over a 10-year period, the plan has for main objectives of:

– Decrease production with, for example, composting in the garden and harmfulness of discharges. Individual composting is a very interesting way to reduce household organic waste. Certainly it cannot represent a full-fledged solution for the management of organic waste insofar as it only partially solves the problems of disposal garbage.

It does, however, make it possible to reduce the costs of managing waste while raising awareness among residents of the waste issue. Indeed, they are at the heart of the industry; they decide and operate on their own account. The community is there to encourage them to get involved. Through this incentive, they become actors in the management of their own waste. Consequently, any global reflection on the management of waste must include an “individual composting” component. Also, the individual composting has started in all the Communities of counties.

– Add value to waste that can be recycled. It is about recovering some raw waste products or materials for reuse, recycling. Recycling, as its name suggests, is therefore defined in recovery waste to transform it into new products. But it is necessary
that a real recovery sector is set up at the local level. Gold, today the infrastructures on which such a program could support are insufficient.

Indeed, the region is only in its infancy in this area; only a few small businesses dismantle end-of-life vehicles and recover damaged items value. For batteries, the local factory processes them and plastic recovery is guaranteed by the plastic factory. Regarding sorting, three companies located in the area manage the problem;

– Encourage the participation of the population, with the establishment of a phase awareness campaign focused on individual and collective communication, with users, the educational community, the professional community of waste (caterers) and organizers (local elected officials, for example).

In this meaning, the state actively participated in this communication; these various actions are based on an information and
awareness raising which takes several forms: exhibitions, dissemination of television spots.

– Reserve landfill sites for ultimate waste only, which cannot be neither treated nor valued;

– Effectively fight against “wild” anarchic landfills which disfigure landscapes and unauthorized polluting discharges.

In short, the objectives of the departmental plan for dumpster rental in Concord are first and foremost to reduce the production and harmfulness of waste. It is also a question of enhancing them by recycling. We must therefore give back to the earth what it produced by transforming matter
organic in compost and finally produce energy by burning waste in incineration plant.

This is why the region must be given a real disposal and recycling infrastructure in order to bring it into compliance with
federal standards by 2025. But heavy investments are necessary, furthermore, the total cost of this new policy is estimated at $250 million.

Indeed, the installation of this equipment receives aid from from several sources. It is the federal budget with the main tool
financing the Regional Development Funds which will cover 70% of investments required for this project; the Modernization Fund for
Waste management; municipalities and groupings of municipalities; the general board of the environment, whose financial support amounts to 10% of the amount of these investments.

It follows that the state has endeavored to provide technical and financial support to municipalities and communities of municipalities for setting up projects aimed at reducing the production of household waste, sort and value them as much as possible.

We can cite here the aid to municipalities for purchases of compost bins, financing of operations aimed at developing sorting selective, setting up waste collection centers, composting platforms for green waste, sorting centers, waste transit stations, and finally aid for the creation of large structures such as an incineration plant or a
composting of garbage.